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The entire point of this component library is to provide accessible components - but I am not at all an accessibility expert and this is mostly about me learning accessibility. You're better off using something tried-and-tested and created by people way smarter than I am - like Headless UI or Radix Vue.


The components are mostly based on different WAI Aria APG Patterns, and sometimes modified based on what I find while doing research. If there isn't an appropriate APG pattern for a component, you'll find links to the references used in the documentation for it.

I try my best to research every component - and I started making this mostly as a way for me to learn more about accessibility, but after a couple components, I realized how many components I'd end up making, and that the resources I've gathered up might be useful - so I thought it was worth putting somewhere public.

If you spot any issues at all - please create a Github Issue to address your concern. Or, if you know better than I do - feel free to contribute 💚


I provide links to the articles and resources I found most insightful or helpful for every component in their documentation. Some of the components I didn't start documenting until after, so there's a couple components that just refer to their APG article.

Below are some of the blogs and sites I found myself referencing like crazy for almost any component while looking for accessibility guidelines and best practices.